Saturday, May 17, 2014

I Stand with Ann Coulter, and Here's Why.

Let me be clear. Ann Coulter is a loathsome panderer to the lowest forms of hatred and bias of the Right Wing. Her acid and venomous words feed into a culture of discriminatory hate that maligns the very bedrock of American Liberty. However, I am regularly disgusted with the shameless way in which so-called "liberal, progressive" Democrats RACE to the bottom of the barrel when it comes to repudiating Coulter. Let me further clarify: ANN COULTER IS NOT A MAN. Even if she was born male, she would not be a man, she would be a transsexual woman.

The repugnant hypocrisy of the Left -- supposed champions of women's and minorities' rights -- in this rampant transphobia is mind boggling. If one brings these hypocrites to task on the issue, one will be met with vehement refusal to admit that they are bigots. I recently called out fellow leftists in a facebook group for the use of this despicable tactic, and was told -- in over two thousand replies, no less -- that it is in fact perfectly acceptable to use sexist and anti-trans slurs against Ann, because she is mean. This implies that all principles we claim can go right out the window, when we find our opponent distasteful. Here's a little bias check for you: If the things you say about Ann Coulter would offend you said about the First Lady, they probably aren't okay for you to say. Further bias check: If you replace the word "tranny" with "n*gger" in your rant, would it be okay? If one slur is wrong, the other is too.

Attacking Ann's physicality is intellectually LAZY. For starters, attacking Ann -- or anyone -- based on their appearance illustrates your inability or refusal to deconstruct the substance of what she has said. It's an egregious ad hominem heuristic that allows those on the Left to avoid real discussion. Her appearance has no bearing on the things she says. Furthermore, her schtick is to incite the kind of angst in the Left that makes them abandon their so-called egalitarian principles and turn into the same snapping, backbiting, hateful shits that the Left accuses Ann of being. No, wait. They don't. They accuse her of being a tranny. This plays directly into her hand and is the PERFECT illustration of the exact kind of bullshit hypocrisy Ann says Democrats engage in. So, in the end, the one who is right in such situations IS ANN. In a stroke of sheer mental sloth, Democrats shoot themselves in the foot by making themselves just as slimy and base as Coulter herself. The difference is Ann KNOWS what she is doing.

Let's be even MORE clear. If you call Ann Coulter a man, or a tranny, or a he-she, or a shemale, or point out her adam's apple, and call yourself "progressive" and "pro-lgbt" or "inclusive", you are the most foul and loathsome kind of hypocrite. You are selecting words that people -- who are arguably among the most severely oppressed in this country and around the world -- hear, right before rabid bigots bring the shovels down on their skulls. You are selecting words that transpeople hear as justification for discriminatory jailing. You are selecting words that teenagers hear ringing through their heads as their life blood pours from their wrists. You are selecting words that medical "professionals" use to deny equal access to care. The net effect on Coulter of all this transmisogyny is exactly one metric bupkis. Ann LIVES to see foaming-at-the-mouth Democrats eat their own and betray the people they claim to champion. This bigoted tit-for-tat only proves her point that Democrats, feminists, and the gay rights lobby are hypocrites just aching for a chance to attack and disparage a deeply at-risk minority community. Ann stands as the "manly" face of that hypocrisy. You are not only missing the mark of harming Ann, you are in fact doing nothing but causing collateral damage to gender minorities in that you contribute to institutional and cultural transmisogyny. Beyond that, you contribute to the larger problem of social sexism that makes it okay to criticize a woman's appearance in the first place, in lieu of confronting her thoughts or points. This begs the question: Why so anti-woman and anti-trans, Democrats and lefties? Aren't these the exact same things you have a problem being directed against Mrs. Obama?

So, although the words fairly curdle in my mouth, I will stand up and cry to the heavens that I stand with Ann when it comes to the bigotry of the Left. 

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